
This blog is intended to explore philosophical issues related to meaning, creativity, and imagination.

Sunday, March 21, 2021


 Joe Biden falls up the stairs three times

This morning I was listening to Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic on Rumble while driving in my car. He was interviewing Sean Parnell, a decorated-ex-captain in the US army in Afghanistan who expressed concerns about the optics of Joe Biden falling up the stairs as he ascended to Airforce One earlier this week. He expressed horror as to what he saw as a humiliating incident that sends a clear message that America is weak. Media commentators are also reiterating that what we are witnessing is nothing less than a metaphor of the degradation of the US under the present administration. Sean alluded to a meme circulating the internet of late which shows Trump playing golf: after hitting the ball from the tee the golf ball flies into the air and the frame switches directly to the above mentioned video  as if Trump's ball knocked Biden over. 

Sean said that it was not a laughing matter because the Commander-in-Chief needs to show that he is strong in the face of his enemies. Of course one should be mindful of the fact that Biden is 78 years old and that is what you could expect from someone in that age group. However, he ascended the stairs unassisted - possibly for the sake of optics. This would be consistent with the careful media concealment of Biden's feebleness before and after the election: basement video interviews, crafted questions, etc. This particular incident is important as there are many US troops overseas and their safety depends upon the appearance of strength. This comment is particularly relevant this weekend as the a top diplomat representing the CCP in discussions in Alaska gave the US Secretary of State an embarrassing rebuke, "The US does not have the qualification to talk to China from a position of strength." This does not seem to be coincidental.

While Biden's fall was alarming it is significant that his fall happened three times (I will explain the significance of this number in a future blog) while going up the steps. Normally people fall while going down stairs, the fact that it happened this way is noteworthy. Also noteworthy is the fact that it happened three times in a row. Most media pundits downplayed this by explaining that the wind blew him over even though there was only a slight breeze (see the two Rumble videos below). This situation reminds me of  a New York Times article entitled "Trump's haunting walk down the ramp raises new health questions" by Maggie Haberman published on 14th June, 2020 (see link below). In this article she affirms:

"President Trump faced new questions about his health on Sunday, after videos emerged of him gingerly walking down a ramp at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and having trouble bringing a glass of water to his mouth during a speech there. Mr. Trump — who turned 74 on Sunday, the oldest a U.S. president has been in his first term — was recorded hesitantly descending the ramp one step at a time after he delivered an address to graduating cadets at the New York-based academy on Saturday. The academy’s superintendent, Lt. Gen. Darryl A. Williams, walked alongside him. Mr. Trump sped up slightly for the final three steps, as he got to the bottom."

It is interesting to note the biased "reporting" reflected in Haberman's false assumptions but also by most of the legacy mainstream media. People normally do not walk quickly down a slippery ramp wearing leather soled shoes. And avoiding water splashing onto your expensive silk tie while drinking is a given. As far as Trump's health was concerned he showed that even Covid 19 could not keep him out of action for more than a few days. When the reporting does not match the facts one begins to wonder what reality actually is!

Jung's Synchronicity 

What really caught my attention was the synchronicity that has presented itself, particularly, since posting "Biblical symbolism of shapes and numbers: Trump and symbolism" in a recent blog.  In that blog I talked about the mystical language of symbolism, or rather, Donald Trump's apparent intentional use of Biblical symbolism and its significance. I also made the analogy of traversing stairs and escalators by travelling up or down (and sometimes the wrong way). The  example of Biden's fall was obviously accidental but it would appear, at times, that even seemingly random occurrences may not be merely coincidental.

This latest presidential incident is a segway into a book that I had intended reviewing next: "Synchronicity" by Carl Jung.  Rather than reflecting or reviewing his work I will share with you some very pertinent quotes (and hopefully you can see the synchronicity for yourself).

"The philosophical principle that underlies our conception of natural law is causality. ... However, ..."the connection of events may in certain circumstances be other than causal, and requires another principal of explanation. "... He goes on to question our very understanding of space and time as it relates to causality. "... space and time have a very precarious existence. They become 'fixed' concepts only in course of his mental development, thanks largely to the introduction of measurement. In themselves, space and time consist of 'nothing'. They are hypostatized concepts born of the discriminating activity of the conscious mind, and they form the indispensable co-ordinates for describing the behaviour of bodies in motion. They are, therefore, essentially psychic in origin, which is probably the reason that impelled Kant to regard them as a priori categories. But if space and time are only apparently properties of bodies in motion and are created by the intellectual needs of the observer, then their relativization by psychic conditions is no longer a matter for astonishment but is brought within the bounds of possibility. This possibility presents itself when the psyche observes, not external bodies but itself."

Jung's argument is that the very notion of causality and even our notions of time and space cannot always explain the sometimes unexplainable, so called coincidences. What Jung calls Synchronicity makes psychic connections to other entities beyond the individual psyche.

The Book: C. G. Jung (1960) Synchronicity. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Associated Videos: 

Rumble: Joe Biden falls up the steps 3 times

Rumble: Biden falls three times while boarding airforce one

Rumble Commentary: Sean Parnell Questions Biden's Fitness: "Who is running the country."

New York Times Article: Trump's halting walk down ramp raises new health questions

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